Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Self-Esteem Boost of the Day

Underneath all this Loreal makeup

She's really looks like this

Now don't you feel better about the way you look today?

Photo Source: DListed


sherni said...

Damn! The bags under her eyes make my eyes look great.

August Sunshine said...

Wow, scary. Thanks for the pick-me-up.

Aisha said...

DANG. Wow. Whaddaya know. Whaddaya know. She looks like it doesnt bother her though.

Unknown said...

Excellent post.

Ameet said...

It's all Photoshop magic. Real people don't look like that.

Oni said...

I needed that!!! I always feel fugly going to work b/c I just don't have time to agonize over makeup and these pics make me feel fab.

Virenda said...

damn. She looks all kinds of tore up. Someone needs to go get a wax. . .

Leilouta said...


FBT said...

I really do feel better. I don't think she looks ugly - she just looks like a normal person. That means if we all took the trouble to cover ourselves in glop and be photographed by professionals, we too could look ultra glamorous. Nice to know.