Saturday, May 27, 2006

Random Question of the Night

We went to the food court at the mall tonight for dinner which reminded me of a question that always perplexes me.

Why is it that the sample of bourbon chicken they hand you on a toothpick is so tasty, yet when you get the whole platter it tastes like crap?


sherni said...

haha, we had a sample at the food court yesterday too and it was so good! You're right .. food always tastes better in little pieces =)

Ameet said...

Cause the sample is real chicken, and the stuff in the trays is mystery meat - it probably meowed when alive.

August Sunshine said...

West Coast Mommy: WOW, that's horrible!!! :-(

Chic Mommy said...

west coast mommy, OMG! you fear factor quotient just went up in my book.