Tuesday, November 06, 2007

When Bed Hoppers Attack

To say I'm exhausted and tired of being a mom would be an understatement. I'm so tired of this 24/7-thankless-cleaning-mess-all-day job, I wish I could run away for a few days like Ashley Judd did in the "Ya Ya Sisterhood" movie and sleep in a hotel with no phone, no computer, no communication with the outside world. There is just always something to clean around here. Always. And I want to get away from it.

Yesterday, I did eight loads of laundry and washed the waterproof mattress pads and bedsheets for every bed in the house except the guest room bed. All because my youngest, who I now call The Bed Hopper, came into my room at 4 am and peed all over my bed. Under normal circumstances, this would not have warranted washing four beds, but of course, everything that happens to me seems to happen exponentially. In her attempt to find a drier place to sleep, she wound up leaving pee stains on every bed in the house, I think she even peed on her brother because he woke me up in the morning wondering why his clothes felt damp when he swears he didn't have an accident. The Bed Hopper didn't try to hide it at all, in fact, she confessed first thing in the morning saying, "Accidents happen. Can you give me a bubble bath?" I ended up having to give all three of them a bath because everyone had been tainted by The Bed Hopper's pee.

It took me all day to wash and change the beds, in addition to doing all the other laundry I had been procrastinating. I got done around 10 pm last night, watched Fantastic Four on DVD (the highlight of my day), and went to bed only to wake up to another round of chaos. It just doesn't end. Most of this morning was spent arguing with the kids about why they can't wear summer clothes to school anymore (because it's freezing outside, that's why!), dressing them, trying to make them eat at least a graham cracker before going to their 2-hour schools, and trying to find my damn cell phone. I didn't even notice my cell phone was missing until I got in the car to take the kids to school. I was so furious, we were already running late and now this. But I had to find my phone because I never drive without it. I finally found it under my bed after calling it five times and playing Follow the Ringtone around the house. Thank goodness the phone was switched to "ON" when it was lost.

Today, I'm just tired. I wanted to come here and write about something a little less whiney, but I just couldn't muster anything else. I hate that the kids don't nap anymore, and when I ask them to do something, like clean up the mess they just made, they act like they didn't even hear me. I could be yelling at them with a megaphone and they still wouldn't hear me. I have to repeat myself over and over again just to be heard. I'm trying hard to keep it together and "enjoy this time" like all the older mothers I run in to keep telling me, but I'm finding it hard to do when most of my day is spent cleaning up after them. One mess after another. The only reason I'm even enjoying this blissful moment to complain is because I'm letting the twins TP (toilet paper) the family room. And spread goldfish crackers all over the carpet. It's worth it though, because I figure vacuuming crackers and picking up tp shreds is a piece of cake compared to doing a mountain of laundry.


Oni said...

You need a vacation sans the children!!! I think I need to read this post whenever my period comes and I'm feeling sad;)

Chic Mommy said...

It's not always this bad BC, but like any job, it's got it's good days and bad days. Yesterday was definitely one of the bad ones.

Aisha said...

awwww :( Eight loads of laundry.... even if you don't have kids to chase after is depressing in and of itself. I hope today is a better day.

Miss Specs said...

Omg...that's a tough one...atleast the kid owned up to it. I remember a time when one of my cousins did this and he kept on insisting that it is 'dew' on his 'jammies'. He wasn't outdoors so i wonder wher the 'dew' came from...hehe...but it was awful because we literally had to sniff out the kid's tracks.

But eight loads of laundry! Man...makes my back ache just to think of it. But chalo...atleast now they're done. Nothing more rewarding than a mountain of freshly done laundry all folded nice and proper. :)

Unknown said...

Trouble is, you're outnumbered. Despite their dimunitive size, they are ganging up on you.

Retail therapy always makes me feel better. That's why God invented laptops.

Cindi said...

Hahaha, I'm not the only one getting my ass kicked by the little munchkins! My heart goes out to you doing alllll that laundry!!

Take solace that you aren't the only one going thru this.

Monkey McWearingChaps said...

awww Chic. You need a baby-sitter, kids free afternoon and a spending spree at Sephora to perk you up. Or a coffee with girlfriends, no kids or something. If I weren't an anonymous stranger living across the country I'd even offer to help you out.

Feel better soon!

wayfarer said...

i hear ya! I seriously don't know how you guys do it with more than 1.

Unknown said...

I feel for you!!

btw..love the new look!!

sobia said...

hey ur pages' new look is CHICK [:)]. love it!!!

FBT said...

you poor thing, wish I were there, I'd babysit for you.

Yosra said...


LMHO! Laughing my hejab off! That strikes me as sooooooooo true-to-life funny.

Keep laughing! You might as well! And say, "Alhumdulillah!" whenever possible.

Solei said...

logOMG!!! I can soooooooo relate to your post! That sounds like a day in my life. Only after I've done the 8 loads of laundry, hubby comes home only to say "Why are you so tired? You didn't do anything but wash?"

Thank God I love that man or else we'd probably be on the 10 o'clock news......... not good I tell ya!

Yet this is the best thankless, unappreciated job I've ever had, or will have. =)