Thursday, March 08, 2007

See Star Shrink

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Wow, check out the incredible shrinking Star Jones! She took her time, (and had some major "help") but she seems to be finally down to her goal weight. She lost the long hair and got her some Ugly Betty glasses too (which don't look so bad).

This reminds me, I need to get back onto the exercise wagon too. Ever since the kids got sick, the Pilates DVDs and any form of cardio took a back seat. I quit the gym back in November because it was too hard to get there on a regular basis. After dinner was the only time left during the day to go, and by that time, all I wanted to do was sleep and get off my feet. But I really need to start exercising again, not just for the pursuit of the vanity size, but really, just for my health. For that short period of time I did get to the gym, I used to feel so much better and alert after working out, now I just feel sluggish and can barely keep up with the kids.

2007 photo via Just Jared, 2002 photo source, and 2005 photo source


  1. ...can someone say L-I-P-0?...(sorry about the last post - accidentally posted some gobblydook)...


  2. He he ash, actually Star got her stomach stapled, but it could be she got some lipo too.

    I wish I had the money for lipo. I need it.

  3. ...shudder...i still think good old excercise/a walk around the block is still the way to go...but maybe i'll think differently when i have kids...


  4. Star was better off fat, she had a job in an ok tv program, and she looked younger. Now she looks gaunt and old. Anyways, quite amazing srinking, I think its gastric bypass .
