Thursday, March 08, 2007

Picture of the Day: Two Exes and a Wedding

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Look at these two at one of Liz's gazillion wedding receptions in India. I bet they're bitching about Hugh and Jemima at this very moment.

If you're new to the story, it goes something like this:

-Imran Khan and Jemima used to be married. Liz Hurley and Hugh Grant used to to date.

-Jemima introduced Liz and Hugh to her husband, Imran, and the four became friends.

-Then, Jemima divorced Imran. Liz and Hugh broke up as well.

-Liz started dating fabulously wealthy Arun Nayar.

-Then, Hugh and Jemima hooked up and got engaged. Soon afterwards, Jemima and Liz stopped being BFF's because Jemima had jealousy and insecurity issues with Liz. She thought Hugh would go back to her, so she cut Liz out of the picture. But apparently, Liz was the least of Jemima's troubles because the problem was not with Hugh going back to Liz, but rather, Hugh kicking the habit of hookers.

-Jemima and Hugh broke up, while Liz moved on with Arun Nayar and got engaged to be married to him.

Throughout all this drama, Liz and Imran maintained their friendship. Now, Imran and Liz are feasting on biryani in India at one of Liz's bridezilla weddingpalooza dinners, while Hugh is dodgeing photogs in London (he didn't go to the wedding and couldn't come up with a good reason why not) and Jemima is at home kicking back more gin and tonics to drown the pain of seeing pictures of her ex with her nemesis. Ain't love grand?

You know who else was at this wedding dinner? The UK's Big Brother winner Shilpa Shetty.

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Shilpa is totally rocking the current fashion trend of silver in this outfit. Silver work on her suit, silver clutch, silver earrings, I'm liking it. After years of seeing so much (expensive) gold in partywear it's nice to see purse-friendly silver make a style comeback.

photos via Daily Mail

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For more Liz Hurley/Nayar wedding news, check out some of these shameless self-promotional plugs from Celebitchy and other sites:

Latest Photos from Hello Magazine (Celebitchy)

Could Liz Hurley Already be Pregnant? (Celebitchy)

Liz and Arun's gift to their wedding guests, a Bollywood film starring themselves. This is what happens when people have so much money they don't know what to do with it. They make their own Bollywood films. (Daily Mail)

Her Name is Mrs. Nayar, Bridezilla if You're Nasty (Celebitchy)

Pics of guests arriving to the wedding, including Elton John in track suit and Elle MacPherson (SkyShowbiz)


  1. Get out of here! You are so informative - I had no idea who she married. :)

  2. hey neat story! And I learned it first from you. Now let's see who in my social circle already knows about it.

  3. Damn you're so on top of this wedding!

    Shilpa is beautiful as always.

  4. viv, I'm so obsessed I need help, and I think it's because I really like seeing Hurley in a sari, but I have an odd fascination with Imran Khan too.

    also, I updated the post to make it easier to read "the story". I read it again and I think it sounded like I was saying Hurley married Imran, not Arun.

  5. Baaaaaaaaaaaah celebitchy is down at the moment!!! Love the site! I may just fail medical school because of this! I am off the wards for no good reason, other than to read celebrity stuff! :P


  7. Looks like they're trying to outdo the Mittal wedding-palooza.

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