Friday, November 10, 2006

Nigella Lawson Appreciation Day

There are many reasons I love Nigella Lawson. She's smart, she's beautiful, she's a great mom to her two kids, and she's into unfussy food and easy entertaining. She's a real mom who keeps it real. But most of all, she's not afraid to bake a decadent chocolate cake and eat it straight off the cake plate. She will never be one of those women you see at a birthday party who says, "Just give me a very small slice please," and then unjoyfully eat a sliver-sized piece of cake. No, Nigella will indulge in a full hunk of cake and relish every moment of it. She lives her life to the fullest, and makes no apologies for loving her pasta, and that's why I deem today, Nigella Lawson Appreciation Day.


Leilouta said...

I love her too and find her very charming. I am over Rachael Ray, she is a little too hyper for my taste.

Chee Chee Chai said...

You said it sista! I'm off to indulge in a nice tall full bodied milk-shake -- yum yum yum. If I weren't gluten allergic, I'd add a nice gooey chocholate cake as a chaser:)

Chee Chee Chai said...
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Anonymous said...

Off-topic, BUT...I found this site while searching for Aishwarya's Beige, or "Taffeta Caresse" (sic.) as it is known globally. It looks very natural on me, basically just a nude shade. Neither here, nor there.

Try Penelope's Red. It is perfect...not too blue, not too orange.

Ameet said...

I love Nigella's recipes- they're always quick & delicious!

keda said...

i rarely follow recipes.. i lack the discipline. so i don't know any of hers but i like that she's glamorous, still looks fit and healthy and is unafraid of chocolate and cheese.
always a good thing in woman.

Lisa said...

I don't know who she is - I'll have to check her out!! Sounds like my kinda gal. :)

Carlinn said...

I also hate people that live of salads! I love food and nigella rocks!

Chic Mommy said...

hold the presses piya! where did you find Star Secret lipsticks???