Thursday, November 02, 2006

The Hamster Dance, Whored Out Bollywood Style

Okay, so I did this post a while ago on Celebitchy and put this video up to show how similarly slutty Paris Hilton and Rakhi Sawant's music videos were, and The Blemish noted that Rakhi Sawant was doing a sexy version of the Hamster Dance. Now I'm a little behind on the music trends, I had no idea what the Hamster Dance was, but found time to google it today, and by golly, he was right!

Here's the original version, innocent hamsters doing an innocent little dance and spreading joy around the world. I let my kids watch this and they enjoyed it very much.

So now that you've got that funky beat stuck in your head, take a look at this. Here's the whored out Bollywood version of the hamster dance, starring my all-time favorite "skank I love to hate" Rakhi Sawant. My kids are not allowed to look at this one, but you can. Don't worry, it's slutty, but it's not porn. (The guys are really gonna love this one!)


  1. Wow. and the words to the bollywood song were especially pathetic!
