Friday, November 10, 2006

Cojo's Quote of the Week

"If I ever see a woman with chipped nail polish on her nails, I'll walk right over and smack her over the head with my grocery bag. Unkempt is not fashionable, there is simply no excuse for it." Steven Cojocaru, as quoted on the Rachel Ray show.

Oh snap, Cojo! Point taken, but sometimes you’ve gotta cut a mom a break on this one. Doing things like dishes and diapers is not exactly manicure-friendly work. Besides, isn’t it a bigger fashion crime for a grown man to to think it’s “fashionable” to dress up like Chastity Bono? I’m just sayin’.


  1. Anonymous3:21 PM

    OMG I never realized that he looks JUST like her...ok now that is wierd....

  2. HAHA! I feel similarly to Park Slope Chica.
