Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mother's Day

I just wanted to write a quick note to wish all you moms out there a happy mother's day. My daughter showed me her appreciation by spilling her entire lunch on the floor. She did it on purpose too, she didn't like what was served. I thought she wanted rice, because when I asked her what she wanted to eat, she said the word "rice". But what she was really trying to say was "I want mac n' cheese" and could not tolerate the bowl of rice that was placed before her, so down to the floor it went. This used to make me very frustrated, having to clean up a mess like this, but now after doing it for so long, my clean-up response is automatic. I've learned that a bottle of Windex and paper towels are a mom's best friend. Within 2 minutes, and I clocked it, I had cleaned all the food off the floor. Six minutes later, I had successfully nuked a frozen package of Stouffer's mac n' cheese and served it to her. Damn, I'm getting good at this.

Other than that, we spent most of the day indoors because it was raining and cold outside. We gave the kids a toy for Mother's Day. I know it should be the other way around but they aren't old enough to do those things yet, plus, for the few minutes of peace this toy brings me, it's worth it. The kids got an Elefun, and they love it. My 4 year old son, of course, calls it Elephunk.


  1. Happy Mothers day!!!!!!

  2. Ahmuhnuh, I am looking VERY forward to less cleaning, but I heard from a mom at the dentist's office that her 16 year old son still makes a mess and doesn't clean up after himself. Hopefully I'll raise my kids to be neat, but not neat freaks!

  3. Happy Mother's Day!! Sorry I am late :(
