Sunday, May 14, 2006

Bubble Skirts: Another Fug Trend I'll Pass

Mandy Moore, modelling a Bubble Dress in Elle magazine

La Rok Denim Mini Bubble Skirt

City Unltd Bubble Skirt

I think most of us who lived through the 80's owned at least ONE bubble skirt, right? Me and my sisters weren't the only ones prancing around in these bubbles, wearing them everywhere from school concerts to family photos, were we? And yes, we wore these with ~shudder~ black tights and ballet flats!!! oh, the insanity! I was so relieved when the 90's arrived and we finally sent this fugly trend into retirement in favor of long crinkle skirts from Express. I never imagined the bubble skirt would be back, with gusto, for the spring/summer trend of 2006! First leggings, and now this? Is this something else I can blame Sienna Miller for, or are the designers simply running out of ideas? Who's bright idea was it to start looking back towards the 80's for fashion insipiration? Along with leggings, this is another trend I'm going to sit out. I'm still wearing the tunic top and jeans fashion from last year. I like tunics, they're comfy.


  1. My rule of thumb has always been, "If it doesn't look good on the model, it will never look good on me." Mandy Moore looks ridiculous. I'll lump this one in with the gaucho pants, ponchos, and skinny jeans category.

  2. I don't get it. I just... why do celebs allow themselves to look like idiots? Must be the money. I mean I look like an idiot most days, but never get paid for it. I've missed my calling! ;)

  3. Kimmy, It has to be the money. If I got paid big bucks to look like that, I'd probably do it too.

  4. The last picture looks horrible.
    Who buys that stuff?

  5. ok you picked some fugly pictures but i love bubble skirts!!! i have 2 really lovely ones and with the right shoes and tops they can look gorgeous. peach is never a good colour and denim and bubble certainly dod not mix.
    however that was SO last year in europe! i'm not sure if i'll do it again this year.... but i might!

  6. You know what is super weird and I hate it?! I watch old 80's movies and before I could laugh at what everyone was wearing, now it just looks normal.

    80's is so back and I'm so tired of it. This is the sign that we are getting old.
