Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Suri, It's Over

Well I guess I was wrong. There really was a baby in there. Suri. In a strange twist of cosmic events that even L. Ron couldn't explain, Katie Holmes and Brooke Shields gave birth to baby girls on the exact same day! Click here for the full article. In terms of baby stats, both girls measured 20 inches, but Tom's baby girl, named Suri, is 7 oz. heavier than Brooke's baby girl, named Grier. Knowing how much Brooke and Tom like each other, I don't think these two will ever get together for playdates. Let's pray Katie doesn't get post-partum depression, because we all know she won't be allowed to take any drugs. Katie, honey, don't worry. If you need some drugs, I'll send you some Zoloft in a plain unmarked bag. I promise I won't tell Tom.


  1. I'm on the fence about the name, Suri.

    What a wild coincidence about both Brooke and Tom's kids having the same birthday though, given the back story. Pretty funny. Poor Katie, I guess she probably didn't get to have an epidural either.

  2. Actually I am the one who needs drugs with all this info :)
    btw, where is your update about the skin care stuff and your dermatologist? :)

  3. Leilouta, read "There's a reason it's called Beauty Sleep." ;)

  4. the whole things gross and she definately gave birth weeks ago. you do not buy shoes whilst 9 months gone.
    euch i got the shivers.
