Friday, April 21, 2006

Baby Trump and Melania's Shoes

Here are some photos of Donald Trump's latest progeny, Barron Williams Trump.

The Trumps with baby Barron. Why doesn't Melania ever smile? Does she not like her teeth?

The Golden Carriage with attached Chandelier was a gift from Ellen Degeneres. I wonder if they will actually go for strolls in this thing, or use a Bugaboo instead.

The Golden Prince not only has his own nursery, but an entire floor to himself. The floor has his room, quarters for his nanny, Mama Melania, a kitchen, and a living room. Wow, his own little studio apartment! I'm loving Melania's shoes. Thong sandals are all the rage this summer. I can't quite place the designer, but you can steal this look at Macy's for $99.

Matisse "Winston" Slingback Thong Sandal, $99.

[photo source: People]


  1. These have to be the most over choreographed, air brushed, photo shopped, unrealistic family pictures in all of human existence!

    The second one is the worst!

    Gee, if you got money at least spend it on something worthwhile.

  2. Good website! I truly love how it is easy on my eyes it is.
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  3. I just love how down to earth and in touch with the average American they are! Nothing elite to see here! Just everyday folks in their gold plated penthouse.
