Monday, March 27, 2006

Useless Trivia of the Day

This morning after breakfast, I plopped the kids in front of the TV (electronic babysitter) while I cleaned up the kitchen and did the dishes. While my kids were watching Miss Spider's Sunny Patch, I couldn't help but notice that Miss Spider sounded a lot like Charlotte from Sex and the City. Could it be, I thought? Kristin Davis hasn't been seen since Sex and the City ended, could she now be entertaining the pre-school set to make her living? A quick google search revealed my suspicions to be true. Kristin Davis is the voice of Miss Spider on the Sunny Patch, a cartoon about a mommy spider raising eight little bugs.


  1. LOL, Yeah I realized that about 6 months ago and couldn't belive it. Guess it pays the bills though...

  2. Wow, I never realized that. And I've watched the show with my niece more times than I want to admit.

  3. Anonymous6:06 PM

    Joy! What discovery!

  4. LOL..ahem.. thats kinda sad..... why am I laughing?

  5. Now, I have to watch it. I like Charlotte.She reminds me of myself:)

  6. You know I wouldn't mind being a caroon voice. You could go to work in sweats and no makeup,and just have fun. I wouldn't mind being on one of those morning Radio shows either where you sit around and talk about pop culture all day. I've always liked Charlotte the best out of the SOC girls. Carrie drove me nuts, too clingy, Miranda was too self-absorbed, and Samantha, I always wanted to have a friend like Samantha but I would never want to BE Samantha. Charlotte was more my type. She had a simple chic look, not too fussy, and she was a Smithie too.

  7. oops! meant to say cartoon there, I don't know what's up today, I can't spell!

  8. Have you heard of Thomas the Tank Engine? It was probably the greatest children's programme ever made and it was narrated by Ringo Starr. After fame the only place to go is children's tv, obviously.

  9. I don't know why people are feeling sorry for her. It's the ultimate celebrity gig - look at all the disney and pixar cartoon character voice-overs. It pays well, you don't even have to worry about memorizing lines or how you look. I think it's awesome. Haven't seen this show though. Is it some low-budget cheese fest? Even still, it's not likely that it's going to hurt her career any.

  10. I have yet to see an episode of Sex and the City. I know, me=LOSER! But I do remember Kristin playing the psycho on Melrose Place. And when I hear Miss Spider, she just sounds so...sweet! Hard to believe it's Brooke Armstrong talking.
