Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Oh to be Queen for a Day!

Hot Mama Rania

I am in absolute awe of Queen Rania of Jordan. She is my idol, the epitome of mommy chic. She's the mother of four children, she raises money for charities, she helps the needy, she's smart, she's stylish, and she happens to be a Queen too. I love how despite her wealth and status, she acts so normal and down to earth. Don't be fooled, this is not the Queen who spends all day at the spa. She is heavily involved in human rights and health and social reform issues, and despite working hard all day, she still makes time to tuck her kids into bed at night and read them a story. With servants helping her, she's a working mom that really has it all.

I don't know why but on some strange cosmic level I feel like I can relate to her. Like me, her father is a doctor, she has two siblings, she had a job in banking (she worked for Citibank and Apple Computers too), she's into high fashion (she's got a bag collection like you would not believe!), and she married a big cuddly guy who loves to eat. That's where the similarities end. Her big cuddly guy happens to be the King of Jordan. She's rich enough to buy an entire Chanel boutique, and yet she remains a normal fun-loving mom just like the rest us.

She plays with her kids in their backyard

Her kids climb on her head when she takes them out

She takes her kids to the amusement park and rents the double stroller (I can fit three kids into these buggies! My kids are tiny and I'll get away with it as long as I can.)

They pose for family photos

They go as a family to watch sports games and her husband drinks a diet coke to make it look like he's doing something to watch his weight. That's okay girlfriend, my husband does the same thing. He'll order a Big Mac with a Diet Coke, at least he's saving calories somewhere!

Here's a pic of Rania showing off her post baby body. I don't know if this pic was after her first child or fourth, but either way she looks like one hot mama!

Here's Rania coming back from some important job looking tres chic. I love this classic look with the side parted hair, the trench coat, and dark sunglasses. Her sense of style is really timeless. It also helps that she's drop dead gorgeous.

If you want to read up more on Queen Rania, girlfriend's got her own website which she updates daily. A Queen with a website, who would've thunk it? CLICK HERE FOR THE LINK.


  1. Jordan is one of those places I know very little about.
    Interesting post & thanks for the link.

    Good looking family. Do you think the pictures are staged photo opts or are they really "normal" people?

  2. Wow, she does look amazingly pulled together for someone with multiple kids. I don't know what she's like in real life, but I do remember seeing her on a talk show discussing various Islamic issues and culture, and she was eloquent and intelligent.

  3. Sadaf you must have seen her on Oprah, that's where I saw her speak, and just became enthralled.

  4. West Coast Mommy, you and me both! You know she has a zillion servants helping her watch the kids and feed them etc.. while she can take time to work on her looks and her special projects. But you did marry a King, because I know your hubby treats you like a Queen ;)

  5. chris, she's really that normal.

  6. wow ... that was fun to read. Now if only I'd married the King .. hmmm...

  7. I'm smitten.

    But I've set my sights on Hind Hariri, single 22 year old billionaire daughter of the late PM of Lebanon and very, very pretty.
