Sunday, October 14, 2007

A Rant about Abercrombie and Fitch

If there's one store I absolutely loathe at the mall, it's hands down Abercrombie and Fitch. What is up with this crazy store? The one in my mall has all the faux windows boarded up and darkened from all sides, and plays music so loud you'd think there was a night club in there. What irks me the most is the pictures of all the nekkid teenage boys wearing unbuttoned shirts (or no shirts at all) exposing their hairless chests. That just seems inappropriate on so many levels. And don't even get me started on those low-rise jeans the models barely wear, jeans hung so low, they looks like they're about to fall off. Can this store scream "gay teen pron" any louder?

I know alot of teens think this store, and it's bastard son Hollister, are the shiznit, but I for one think the clothes at A+F suck. Point blank, the jeans look like they've been shot at with a rifle and all the shirts are frayed and worn looking. The price they charge for these rags is ridiculous too. I mean, who in their right mind thinks a pair of jeans that look like this are worth $80 bucks? I could get two pairs of jeans for this price that are far better looking at American Eagle.


So I finally found out what that smell is inside the stores. I walked up to a humor tee-wearing cargo pant-clad coed at the store this weekend and just asked him, "Excuse me, what is this smell in the store?"

"It's fierce." he replied.

I didn't know whether this was an adjective or a noun. Fierce?

Afraid of appearing not in the know, I used a little tact and asked, "How can I make my house smell like this?"

He still looked at me a little weird, but pointed me to the right direction. Fierce, I discovered, is the name of their cologne for the hardcore A+F man. The sales pitch for it goes like this:

"FIERCE's scent is an immediate attention getter and rightly so. Its fresh citrus aroma is the first aspect she'll notice because of its clean, poised attitude. However, it's FIERCE's warm musky subtleness that will naturally draw her curiosity because of its seductive nature."

Seductive? Yeah, right. It makes me wanna hurl.


  1. I totally agree with u Chic Mommy, seriously it's sad how much people pay for torn a tattered jeans, I just think A&F and Hollister are overrated and overtly crazy priced stores.

  2. The stores smell horrible too. They pipe in some type of scent-it smells water based, which goes with their beach bum aesthetic.

    I've heard the clothes are very durable and high quality. But for those prices I'd rather wear J. Crew.

  3. I agree with you. I am not going to pay 80 bucks to look like a bum. I think my dad would pull me aside and say " beta, Your husband and I earn enough to not have you wear torn clothes"

  4. You know, I noticed the smell too, and thought I was just imagining things. I've walked by the store in the mall, and started sneezing, eyes watering too. I'm sensitive to most perfumes, so there was definitely something wafting across the aisles. yuck.

  5. that's it, I'm going to go to the mall this weekend and get to the bottom of that smell. I'm going to go straight up to that guy in the corner of the store who has nothing else to do put pose and make sexy faces and ask him what stinks.

    Interesting bit of trivia I found out about A&F though, they used to be a gun store, and Ernest Hemingway shot and killed himself with a rifle that he bought from Abercrombie and Fitch.

  6. LOL at finding out that it's that nasty cologne Fierce, ugh...

  7. You are so awesome for going and figuring that out. That horrible smell has been bugging me for years. I have very sensitive skin and I swear 5 seconds in that store breaks me out into allergic hives.

  8. My husband and I have always laughed that they must check ID's at the door. If you are too old, like, say, over 22, they don't let you in......

  9. Hey! Glad to see you back on the blogosphere. I totally share your contempt for A&F. I haven't bought anything there since their racism scandal few years ago. As much as I get turned on by their marketing imagery, it promotes an overly sexual, anglo-saxon self-image that's clearly not healthy for the rest of us.

    You might get a kick out of this:
