Thursday, June 14, 2007

Katie Leads With a New Do

It's nice seeing Katie lead Tom for a change. Usually it's the other way around.

photo via US Weekly


  1. WOAH update overload!!! Really like katies hair in this pic!

  2. I used to like Tom Cruise, until I found out he is just a good-looking, no brains kind of guy! Total jackass!
    *Sorry about the rant*

  3. love katie's hair!! but doesn't look like something a non-millionaire mom could have. too much upkeep and who can walk around comfortably with side swept bangs covering half your face?

  4. bee amma LOL, I have Disney's Pocahantas movie to thank for these updates. We just rented it from the library last week, and the kids love it. I just wish the movie was a tad bit longer.
