Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Karma's a Bitch

We had a big wedding in the family this weekend. It was for a relative I had never met and will probably never see again, which makes what I'm about to tell you so much better than if this was someone I actually knew well. Before my parents came over to my house, my mom had called to ask me if I had a gift for the happy couple. I told her I was going to give them an ivory Lenox picture frame someone had given me a long time back. (Don't judge! I kept it in great condition in the original packing in the "regift" section of my linen closet.) She said, "Hmmm, why don't you save that for another wedding? I've got something nicer. Don't worry about the gift, I'll bring one for you."

Guess what she brought? A crystal vase. A giant one. In a giant gift bag that looked like it had seen at least one other home before it landed in mine.

Clearly, my mom just wanted to get rid of that thing. There was nothing wrong with the picture frame I was going to give, but it definitely took up less space than that giant vase someone gave my mother. I asked my mom why she wasn't giving the vase herself and she said, "Because I know them better than you do. You can give this gift, I can't. I have to give them jewelry." Great, she was giving the bride an elegant jewelry set, and I was giving them a useless vase. Oh well, I thought, at least it'll be out of my hands soon.

Now here's the best part. In our hustle and bustle to get to the reception on time, I forgot to take the crystal vase with me to the wedding. No big loss for the bride and groom. I'm sure they won't even notice that the relative they never met didn't give them another piece of crystal to add to their collection. It's me who is the unlucky one. I can't exactly go over to the bride's house now and say, "Hey, remember me, your long lost aunt who you never met until your wedding day? Well, I forgot to give you this obviously regifted crystal vase!" That would just be even more tacky than regifting the crystal itself.... not that there's anything wrong with that!

Now, not only am I stuck with a Lenox picture frame waiting in queue for regifting, I've got a giant-ass crystal vase sitting in my house (which my mom, by the way, conveniently "forgot" to take back with her. She regifted this crap to me!). To top it off, this was the last wedding I was going to attend this summer so I'm stuck with this thing until at least November, when the winter wedding season kicks in.

I think this is cosmic payback for all those years of regifting crystal to unsuspecting newlyweds. Bad karma finally caught up with me.


  1. Hahahahahaha!!!!

    I had a thought....why don't you give it to Ross parents? ...Just leave it on their doorstep...from one neighbour lovingly to another.

  2. I'm totally dying over here, picturing the whole thing. I'll refrain from saying anything else.

  3. i LOVE bee amma's idea ~ that would be great! hehe.

  4. LOL

    You know we had a running joke... one of our friends got a realy ridiculous canteen set for a wedding gift. So as a joke they wrapped it and gave it to me for my birthday.... then on another mutual friends anniverary, boom, they were given the gift. It passed around and around our friends and family and was cause for great fun! You might want to buy a nice new bow and gift wrap and wait for the right moment to regift it back to mom! :0)

  5. ha ha, bee, I'd rather leave a flaming bag of poo on the Gellar's doorstep than leave this vase. But you're right, they're the type who would actually like getting a gift like this.

    I'm completely LOL at aisha's idea, though.

  6. reminds me of my favorite regifting college roommate gave me a coffee carafe after I got married as a house warming gift. I opened it and decided to use it as my husband and I love drinking loads of coffee on the weekends. Well when I took it out of the box, a card addressed to my roommate fell out...I just about died laughing. Can you imagine if that had happened in front of her???

  7. gosh mona, how embarrassing. She was obviously a novice at regifting, professionals don't make those mistakes. ;)

  8. I think you should pass it on to the Gellar's haha.. OOPS looks like bee amma beat me to that suggestion!

  9. This is so funny :) You certainly have a blog that I look forward to reading everyday. I once read a forum online about regifting things and there were a lot of angry people bitching about people who complained about gifts.

    Most of the complainers were angry daughter-in-laws pissed at their mother-in-laws gifts :)

    I just got married and I have a whole bunch of stuff that I wish I could re-gift but simply won't cos they are uber-tackly and I would hate anyone to think that my husband and I could have such bad taste :(

  10. ha ha
    you should take aisha's idea and just give it back to your mum, just to see the look on her face!

  11. Hey Chic Mommy,
    I was wondering if you could some make-up breakdowns for indian stars. earlier you said in one of your posts that you had a knack for copying make-up, I would really like you to do some other make-up breakdowns and post it in your blog. And I love MAC too, so if you could post them the way you used to, with all the MAC colors and names that would be great. I love your blog, and I think it's very very very interesting to read!!!
    Thanks in advance!

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. LOL Enyur! I've totally scarred you for life about tea bags haven't I? he he :)

    Saniya, I was just thinking about doing another one of those, since I've been in a major blog rut lately. I usually do Aish makeup, but if you've got someone in particular in mind, let me know, and I'll put it up.

  14. Hey,
    Maybe perhaps Priyanka Chopra, Bipasha Basu, Kareena Kapoor, Rani Mukherjee, or Preity Zinta's. Hehe, it's you call!
    Thank u so much,

  15. LOL! Well, if trying to keep a straight face while you're talking to your coworker in the kitchen who's standing their bobbing their teabag in the cup....err...heck ya!! :o)

  16. Damn Enyur, now I need to clean my computer with Lysol. ;)

  17. Well, I'd been waiting to respond to this post until after my wedding and the presents were opened... I think I got regifts but they were really cool! I got a Marquis Waterford Crystal Butterfly 8x10 frame, some Mikasa shot glasses that were really neat looking, and no vases. W00T!

  18. u no what u should do with it
    go outside somewhere with the vase and "accidentally" drop good riddance
