Friday, February 02, 2007

Could You, Would You, With a Tree?

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So the latest rumour surrounding the Abhi-Aish saga is that Aishwarya Rai has married two trees to undo the evil curse of being a manglik. Yup, not one, but two trees. A peepal tree and a banana tree.

In Hindu tradition, in order to offset the evil influence of manglik dosh, a woman should marry a peepal or banana tree before she ties the knot with her fiancé. Or she could even marry a clay urn, which should be broken soon after the nuptial ceremonies, signifying that the bride has become a widow, and the manglik dosh problem has been solved.

It’s not known if Ash has married, or plans to marry, an urn, but she reportedly has married a peepal tree in the holy city of Varanasi, and a banana tree in the southern Indian city of Bangalore.

Would the peepal and banana trees need to be chopped down in order to free her from the curse?

“I’m not sure, but probably, she can annul those marriages, or divorce the trees,” says Los Angeles-based Vedic astrologer Yatrika Shah-Rais.

I don't know how true this crazy story is, but some feminist lawyers in India have taken it seriously and have slapped Aishwarya with a lawsuit. Most likely for polygamy and engaging in stupid acts.

Abhishek: "So Aish, did you get the divorce from those trees yet?"

Aishwarya: "The peepal tree signed the papers this morning, but we're gonna have trouble from the banana tree. Can you believe he's asking for $1 million to compensate him for emotional distress? The nerve."

photos via


  1. lol, well Amitabh has officially come out to say that all this curse stuff is garbage, and you know he's the king of india and can not lie =)

  2. That is just so funny!!!

  3. WHAT is that woman wearing on her face???

  4. There's so much weirdness around that union. The whole thing is so orchestrated - it's not even cute anymore. I don't care who or what Aishwarya has married before, as long as she makes good movies.
