Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Vintage Wiggles: The Four Creepiest Minutes on Children's Television Ever

When the Wiggles were just starting out (about 15 years ago), they didn't have a huge budget for "lights, camera, action", and relied mostly upon puppet shows to entertain children with their music.

This vintage Wiggles video is one of their earliest productions. I showed this to my four and two year old kids, and they didn't find it freaky at all, but I about died by the time the Captain Feathersword puppet appeared.


Chee Chee Chai said...

Wiggles definitely look creepy.

Chic Mommy said...

Normally the Wiggles don't creep me out, I actually enjoy watching them. But this puppet show makes it look like they're tripping on acid.

keda said...

ooof i couldn't bear to watch that.
my ears and eyes are bleeding.

keda said...

oops sorry that was me. on a different account. bloody beta.

it wont let me sign in on my blogger account now.

so.. this is me keda from http://mamahog.blogspot.com/

Ameet said...

They're right up there on the annoy-o-meter with Barney & friends.

Anonymous said...

I am absolutly sure that had they not made the wiggles human they would not be as popular today. That was freaky.....I think I am afraid of puppets.

Lisa said...

I know - that thing IS weird!

sassymommy said...

Holy crap! That Murray puppet is going to give me nightmares! I thought it was hilarious, though.

emily said...

What was it that got you? The incessant finger pointing at his crotch?