Friday, October 06, 2006

Brangelina are in Pune, India

Brangelina and their three children have descended in Pune (pronounced Poona), India to begin filming A Mighty Heart, the story about the kidnapping and murder of journalist Daniel Pearl. Angelina Jolie will be playing Daniel's wife, Marianne. Even though the actual event happened in Karachi, Pakistan, the film will be shot in Pune because Bollywood actor Irfaan Khan (who plays a Pakistani agent in the movie) was denied a visa to Pakistan.

Everyone involved in the production is under strict confidentiality agreement not to leak the whereabouts of the Brangelinas to the press, but that didn't stop the Indian paparazzi from staking out their hotel to get the money shot.

The hotel where Brangelina is currently staying, Le Meridien.

The Indian paparazzi in the lobby are told to stay the fuck away by hotel management.

So the paparazzi decide to hover over the parking deck in hopes of getting a glimpse of the family arriving to the hotel.

The Brangelinas arrive in a Mercedes minibus

And finally, the money shot. We get to see Angelina walking into the hotel. No pics of the rest of the family yet, but I'm sure they'll be on the internet soon enough. I'm curious to see what kind of baby gear Angelina packed for this trip. I can't believe I just wrote that, but yes people, I really have no life. How pathetic am I? I could be doing something more productive with my time right now but no, I am sitting here on my laptop voraciously viewing pictures of Brangelina walking into a hotel in India, wondering if she packed a Bugaboo or a Plikomatic for her trip. I'm so obsessed.

A big huge thank you to Just Jared, for the awesome pics!


  1. Wow - that's so unusual. I guess Pune finally gets to shake off its dowdy image and have some claim to fame!!

  2. Ameet, apparently Pune was chosen as the alternative location because the landscape is similar to that of Karachi.

  3. hi chic mommy,
    im not a mom yet....the kids on my blog are my niece and nephews....

  4. Isn't that brad right there on the far left?

  5. Interesting. Never been to Karachi so I don't know how similar they are - but I'd imagine Karachi to be a lot more hummid & tropical than Pune, which is dry and dusty. But then, if they can pass off Toronto as New York, I guess Pune can stand in for Karachi?

  6. Yeah, I've been to Karachi and it reminded me more of Mumbai than Pune. But yeah if Sri Lanka can be Varanasi in Water, why not.. :)

  7. Sherni, I think you're right, that does look like Brad there.
