Friday, September 15, 2006

Someone's Been Hover Pissing at The View, Could it be Gisele?

Joy Behar is perplexed and furious, and she wants some answers. Someone has been hover pissing in the ladies room at The View, leaving pee all over the toilet seats, and Joy wants to know who would do such a thing? Joy says it always seems to happen when a supermodel visits the show. Yesterday, she asked guest Heidi Klum to explain "Heidi, what is the reason for that?" prompting Heidi to ask, "Was it Gisele (Bundchen)?" Joy responded with a sly smile and said, "I'm not gonna name names." Heidi then went on to explain that she's a hover pisser too, but tries her best to make sure all the pee goes in the toilet.

Please, when will this madness end? I don't blame Joy Behar for asking this often unsaid question. Women have remained quiet about this for too long, and it's time we stood up for what's right in the bathroom stall. I'm waging a personal war against hover pissing too and I can totally relate to Joy's disappointment at seeing dirty toilet seats. Way to go Joy Behar, you are my new homegirl. Represent.

For a Video clip of the conversation, click HERE. The clip is titled "Potty Training" ( for adult women) and shows Heidi Klum demonstrating her hover piss stance.


  1. Oh, I saw that! Too funny. Is it just me or is Elizabeth one of the most stuck up holier-than-thou asshats around?

  2. It's not just you katherine, I can't stand Elizabitch. I think she's on Bush's payroll too. She has nothing but praises for that moron and his wife.

  3. Oh nooooo! Supermodels are hover pissers? It's just too much, come on ladies!!! It takes all of an extra 20-30 seconds to put some strips of tp on the seat and pee IN the toilet! Sheesh! Stay strong in the fight all WAHPs.

  4. ugh I hate Joy - she once told a horrible long ass joke about Muslims and Sikhs soon after 9/11 - her website was full of comments letting her know how rude it was and she just ignored the whole thing. I've hated her since that day.

  5. really sherni? I didn't know.
