Tuesday, August 22, 2006

More Toilet Humour

This picture was just too hilarious not to share! I don't think you need to know Arabic to figure out the message here. That goofy grin is simply priceless.


  1. simply me, this sign could have helped those people out, eh? Hope you used a seat liner! Poor you, the craziest stuff happens to you.

    I don't think I would ever try propping myself on a toilet like that. My balance is not that good, I'd be too afraid of falling down!

  2. OMG, that's funny! And so is simply me's story. :)

  3. hahaha! I need to hang that in the bathrooms at work!

  4. I'm glad someone explained the rationale for a sign like this. I was trying to figure out why someone would be standing on the crapper like that, and then it made sense when I read simply's post. I forgot about the hole-in-the-ground style "toilets" out there.

  5. I just have to say every time I remember the hole-in-the-ground toilets from Asia, I feel a thousand times lucky that I live in America and have access to a commode. My grandparents house in Pakistan had a hole in the ground toilet, and I actually slipped and got my foot stuck in the hole once (or maybe more than once). It was so nasty. I washed my foot with Dettol (Pakistan's version of Lysol) about 10 ten times before I felt clean.

  6. Hahaha, I LOVE that sign!

    I manufacture washroom signs & symbols as part of my business. Never made one like that before but have made several joke "X rated" versions for friends. :)

    Do some women in North America do this?

    Gee, and I thought the men's washrooms were bad.

  7. LOL.... I love that sign too!
