Thursday, August 31, 2006

More Shit from TomKat

Until now, the craziest thing TomKat had done was expressing a desire to eat Suri's placenta. But this next stunt tops them all. They have actually bronzed Suri's first poop. No shit. The bronzed turd is going to be on display in a museum in Brooklyn next week on September 8th, so if you are in the area you might be able to see this piece of shit first hand. For the rest of us that can't make the trip, this is what the sculpture looks like.

If you stare at it long enough, it begins to look like a baby cobra with its tail cut off.


  1. Is that for real?!?
    Delusions of grandeur anyone?

    Just for that I think I'll buy it, extract some DNA from it & make my own clones. An army of Scientologist drones to do my evil bidding.
    Muh hahaha!

    I'm also wondering why Tom didn't just eat it.

  2. Chris, you mean eat the placenta or eat the shit? I still don't think the baby is real, and if it is, it must be some alien lifeform. Even aliens need to take a dump. This turd proves nothing of her existence.

  3. this looks like normal poo. i thought young kids poo was a lot different.
    it's prolly tom's. ewww.

  4. Anonymous8:02 AM

    I am wondering if that is real too. WHY IN THE HELL WOULD YOU BRONZE IT FOR DISPLAY?????? Well, I guess if you have ALOT of money and can not think of better things to do with it then hey bronze your shit.....why not?

  5. i agree with mona, they musta been feeding that suri bricks for that to have been her first poo!!!....correct me if i am wrong but new borns baby poo looks nothing like that!!

  6. My thoughts exactly - babies don't poo nice firm turds like that. Dogs do.

  7. That man is just wacked. And what kind of baby has first bm like that?

  8. I have seen all my nephews and nieces and even my own baby's first poo and it doesn't look like this at all. This looks more like an adult's or a 5 year old's poo.

    The ones I've seen from a newborn are usually quite soft and shapeless!

  9. I think it's really just a cat poo.

    A newborns first poo only looks like that if you fed him a sirloin steak as a first meal.

    My son's looked more like chocolate pudding.

  10. come to think of it, it really doesn't look like a normal baby's first poop. With all of my kids, their first poop looked like an dollop of overcooked spinach. It wasn't until they were about a year old and drinking whole cow's milk regularly that they layed a long turd like this, but even that was squashed because they wore diapers.

    I'm curious now how this sample was even retreived. Babies who poop in diapers always have squashed poop. Aha! Another TomKat lie!

  11. Ewwwwwww!!! That is disturbing!!

  12. ummmm, yeah, baby poo initially does not look like this----would have been more realistic to bronze a flattened piece of dough. Is this for real? I'm beginning to think if little Suri exists there is something terrbly wrong for them to not have released a picture by now!
