Saturday, August 19, 2006

How Jessica Got Her Butt Toned

I can't believe I've spent the last 20 minutes on The Bastardly looking at pictures of Jessica Biel working out, but yes ladies and gentleman, the verdict is in. Jessica didn't buy that hot booty at the J.Lo Store. She did like, 10 MILLION SQUATS AND LUNGES and worked her ass off on the sidewalks of L.A. with her trainer to get that butt. Now that's dedication.

Resistance band were involved. Girlfriend did some serious squats here.

Who cares that her pants are on inside out, her butt looks great. Seriously, I want what Jessica has. I just need to get off my flat, lazy, Asian ass and do some squats and lunges. Well, not really some. More like, ALOT.


  1. But we South Asians are genetically challenged when it comes to our bums... so we have a valid excuse for bony behinds!!

  2. I wish there was a way I could slim down these desi hips. Nomatter how skinny I get, these things are wide!

  3. There are a few South Asians I've seen who have been genetically blessed with awesome butts, like Urmila.

  4. Anonymous3:45 PM

    I could donate some of my booty....its jimungous...
