Thursday, July 13, 2006

What's Happened to Katie Holmes?

Katie, honey, you look like shit. What happened to you? You used to be so put together and just look like shit. Don't tell me it's the baby keeping you up at night because we all know she isn't real. What is it hon, too many late nights partying at the Celebrity Scientology Center? What do you guys do over there anyway? Do you all jump on couches? Do you throw darts at pictures of Sigmund Freud? Do you have wild parties wearing those Eyes Wide Shut masks? Come on, Katie tell us what's really going on with you, we've just got to know. Your silence is killing us.


  1. Do they live in California? Why the hell is she always wearing these thick east-coast type sweaters while the other LA girls are in miniskirts?

  2. Poor Katie.
    She probably doesn't know what hit her.

  3. How pathetic am I that I wished I looked this good most of the time.

  4. good question Sonia, I wonder if Tom pick out her clothes for her.

  5. I know she really does look bad. I'm not sure what's going on but I blame it on the "vitamins".
