Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Parminder Models Her Drapes

It's funny, I saw this picture last night on a Parminder message board (I like her, I really,really like her) and was going to post a catty blog about her dress, but blogger was giving me issues and I got sidelined with a kid emergency, so didn't get around to posting it until now. Well, the Go Fug Yourself girls got to it before me, (not that I'm competing with them or anything, their blog is like, THE BEST) but clearly they were thinking the same thing I was, Parminder used upholstery material for her dress. This material would have made a great couch or drapery, most likely in the 70's, but I don't think it was ever meant to be a dress. It's a shame, because she is a pretty girl, (even though she needs to eat more) and I really liked the style of this Diane Von Furstenburg-ish wrap dress, but the material, OMG! It looks like it came from the upholstry store.....or her window treatments at home.


  1. Is she auditioning for Maria Von Trapp?

    "Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens ....."

  2. ew, i saw that on go fug as well .. how does a big name designer create something like this?

  3. W/ as much $ as these celebrities make, and the amount of $ they must be spending on clothes, I serioulsy just don't know what they're thinking when they buy something so hideous.

  4. Despite the the dress being as fug as hell, at least this time she got enough material to cover her breasts. I don't know what it is about Hollywood and skin shows. Seems like the more money they make, the less material they wear to show of their skinny bodies.

  5. Jeez, what happened to her?? She needs fatting up!

    I first saw her in ‘Bend it like Beckham’, thinking ‘hey I know her!’. It didn’t click until after the film finished that I realised she used to live near me! I often saw her out and about with her mum.

    Back then she was a regular normal ‘Lesta gyal!’, just like me!! I can’t believe how far she’s gone in her acting career – Good luck to her!

    As for what she’s wearing .. hmmmmm … better luck next time, mate.

    [Cool site, btw!]
