Monday, July 24, 2006

OMG! Bipasha Basu Cut Her Hair!

And almost overnight, she has transformed into a Mom.

A mom who dresses like Lynne Spears, but still, a Mom.

Okay, ya'll know I can't ignore what's more shocking in this photo than her haircut (which I'll admit, is not that bad and *shudder* I actually had this haircut a couple of years ago). No, the big elephant in this picture is her outfit. What in the world? Jeans with holes? Near your cooch? Bipasha, you're freakin' 32 years old, it's time to stop wearing jeans with holes. And that tank top.... too tight, and too white. Please girl, you don't always have to dress like you're about to film the rain scene in your next movie.

photo source:


Ameet said...

Whatever the case - our gal's looking good!

Trader Joes said...

She looks hot !!! I mean she's hot as she is and now the hair cut ?? WOW !!!

Chic Mommy said...

Mention the word "Bipasha Basu" at a desi gathering and all the men will say "Oh yeah, she's hot" and all the women will say, "Ugh, what a skank." I think most women agree she's hot, but, like me, envy her looks and her body. And John Abraham, how come she gets to play with John and we don't?

I personally hate her because my husband thinks she's hot. That's automatic grounds for me hating her. He's not allowed to bring Bipasha films into the house. Because I say so.

sherni said...

I just showed my husband and he mentioned that she looks like Rosario Dawson. Hmm, she does have some similar features.

As for dressing that way at 32 - I say go for it! As long as you can do it without looking gross and you're in a line of work that supports it, flaunt it! =)

Chee Chee Chai said...

CM I love that!!! Before I got married, hubby had a comment on friendster about Miss Aishwarya Rai-- I've detested her from that point on. Granted, even though now, with no friendster, and him telling me that she doesn't hold a candle to me (yeah right), I still detest her and I hold my ground.

Unknown said...

All right, chic - I defer to you in all matters makeup, designer bags and celeb gossip, but I'm still trying to understand your fashion gripe with this look on one point.

I get that the holes in the jeans don't work, that the look is MILF, and that the tank is too tight. Got it.

But too white? Too white??? As in too clean? Maybe it's just the fact that having a newborn in the house again means nothing I've been wearing this week stays white, but man...I'm totally applauding anyone who can get their clothes that bright white!

Did you mean the look is too white, as in trying to look gori? I'm kind of slow on the uptake these days, so sorry in advance. :)


Chic Mommy said...

Sadaf, no, I meant too white in the sense that it looks like the white shirts she wears in her Indian films right before she's about to be drenched with water. If you've ever seen a Bipasha film ("Jism") this woman loves white shirts and loves to get wet in them. Another reason to keep this woman away from the husband.

Chic Mommy said...

Just wanted to add that if I had the self confidence and body to wear an outfit like this without getting MILF glares from teenagers, I would. But I draw the line at jeans with holes, I'm too old for that.

Unknown said...

ahh..the requisite wet sari and rain scenes. Gotcha. Makes sense now.

Odd Mom said...

The outfit is really casual, inappropriate for an media event but the real problems are the bra straps, they look just trashy, ugh. Otherwise, she's a doll, very pretty.

Unknown said...

CM & BC its sick & shows the lack of of security in your marrages, hw can you feel insecure about women so far away, I dont want to even imagine wat your'll do wen your hubby's r around sexy women losen up or get sexy for your man so he can stop drooling over actresses

Unknown said...

Hey, Come on ladies! Bips is just 29. Granted, I hate her hair-cut. But she IS the best looking dudette in Bollywood! She still has the wonky eye, but extremely gorgeous, wouldnt you say?