Monday, July 17, 2006

Lindsay Lohan is the New Poster Girl for Proactiv

In the past, I've accused Lindsay of wearing bad makeup, but I never thought she had bad skin. I don't know why the makers of Proactiv Solution thought Lindsay would make a good spokesperson for their product, her skin looks fine. She hardly has the kind of cystic acne this product is so famous for treating. And after I saw her COMMERCIAL on YouTube, I'm further convinced. The acne she's talking about is TWO zits on her chin. Please. There are other celebrities out there with more serious cases of acne than Lindsay Lohan.

I think Cameron Diaz would've been a better choice to endorse Proactiv .

This actress has been struggling for years with acne and yet continues to rely only on makeup to cover it up.

Here Cameron has used makeup to conceal her acne. But if she used Proactive, this could be her real skin. Proactive should so pay me for doing the "Before/After" work in advance for them. Where's that check Guthy-Renker?


  1. I saw the Lohan commercia today! I thought the EXACT same thing! She was like "look here, look very closely at the litte zit I have. Now I dont have it!" Yeah.. ook

  2. Do you use Proactive Chic? I do, and it works really well for me. I break out when I don't use it regularly.

  3. I don't use Proactiv, I've been lucky that my zits respond to Stridex pads and Clearasil cream.

    But I do have a cousin who uses it regularly. For another cousin of mine though, it didn't work at all. She used Accutane and now is zit free for life.

    btw, I am not dissing the Proactiv or Proactive users in this post. Proactive is a great product that has helped alot of people get clear skin. I'm just questioning Proactive's choice of celebrity endorsement.

  4. Oops, forgot to add, I use Differin gel too, and use Cetaphil to wash my face.

  5. Cameron has bad acne because she drinks a lot and is a druggy. That stuff messes up ur face in a bad way.

    My hubby used Proactive and it didn't help.

    I think it only shows how bad the product is or how stupid they are if they're gonna hire Lindsay Lohan to endorse it. Are ppl really that stupid?!

  6. Yeah it seems like it works well for some people and not at all for others. What's Differin, Chic ?

  7. August, Differin is a prescription gel used to treat mild acne and blemishes. I used it every other night in the beginning, but now the breakouts are under control, so I use it as needed. You have to go to a dermatologist to get it.

  8. Holy cow! I didn't know Cameron's skin looked like that. Why can't make-up look that good on me?

  9. I 100% agree that Cameron should do it and not Lindsay. I really have never seen lindsay with "bad" skin.

