Saturday, June 10, 2006

Over the River and Through the Woods to Grandmother's House We Go

I'm on a blogapalooza right now, I knew I shouldn't have had that coffee before bed. I'm going to be going to Upstate New York to stay with my parents for a couple of weeks so I'm packing for that tonight. My husband is going to Europe on business and there is no way I'm staying home alone with these three little monsters. It's not that we live in an unsafe area, it's just that I rely on the big guy to get my groceries and help me take care of the kids when he gets home. I've managed short business trips alone okay, but it's draining to be the only one taking care of the kids 24/7 with no one to give you a break, and a month is way too long for me to manage alone, so it's off to my parent's house I go. If the kids were a few years older, we probably could have turned this business trip into a family vacation, but for now, we'll have to settle for Grandma's house.

I have to say I'm going to be relying on my Laurie Berkner CD's on the way up. My kids used to be okay with whatever we were listening to in the car, but now ever since they've been exposed to Laurie Berkner it's all they want to hear. My husband is more into "monk music" like Enigma or Depeche Mode and the kids are just not having any of that. They want to listen to We are the Dinosaurs, Marching, Marching over and over again. It's cute how each child calls her something different. My son, who is four, calls her by her proper name, Laurie Berkner, but my two year olds who are just learning to pronounce words properly have different names for her. Z. calls her "Lawie Burger" and H. just calls her "Bacon". I can understand the "Burger" from Berkner, but "Bacon"? She comes up with the funniest pronounciations for the words she learns. I don't care what she call it though as long as she doesn't scream for the 5 hour drive up there. The husband will have to listen to his monk music when he's in Europe.


  1. Have fun upstate. I agree with you completely - having to manage solo is exhausting and I feel that way with only one! Hope you keep posting while you're gone.

  2. My husband is from upstate NY :)
    Good luck with the monsters, just kidding :)

  3. A month is SUCH a long time. Have fun at your parents house and hopefully you don't go to crazy on the drive over.

  4. have a good time babe!

    its not easy doing this stuff alone! but parents can be tough too good luck!

    the dress below is lovely too.
    and CONGratulations about the babysitting bitches! hooray*

  5. thanks for the nice comments everyone :)

  6. I am going to upstate NY this weekend Chic Mommy. I really don't want to, but we have a wedding to attend aaaaaaaaaaah!
