Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Crazy Tom Wants More Imaginary Kids

Oh no, Tom Cruise wants more kids! Ten to be exact. If Katie doesn't make a run for it now, she's going to have to spend the next seven years with a pillow wrapped around her waist and "give birth" to more imaginary kids. Run Katie Run!


  1. ick. and thank you i so agree on the fake, pillow etc. madness.

  2. So no one's seen baby pictures yet? Hmm. I wonder if the baby ended up in a Matrix pod to power the evil empire.

  3. I bet the baby was born with three heads, if it was even born at all!

  4. he says whatever to get publicity. i doubt if their marriage lasts... if they do get married. i've read that the marriage won't happen... but who knows. anything for money.

  5. Just what we need, more of his offspring running around.
