Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Voi Valete Ya'll

While trying to hunt down more information on the Star Secrets collection from L'Oreal, I came across these commercials that are currently airing in Europe. The first one is about L'Oreal's Volume Shocking Mascara. I actually tried this mascara and no way did my lashes look like Aishwarya's. My lashes are naturally sparse and short, and after using Volume Shocking Mascara it looked like I had black tarry spider legs growing from my eyelids. So not sexy, and so not like the false lashes Aishwarya's rocking in this ad. I know cosmetics companies claim that's the actual mascara making those lashes look thick but I'm not buying it, those lashes are fake! I think this ad, which is airing in France, is funny actually. It shows a French speaking Aish swiping on the Volume Shocking Mascara and suddenly no one can help noticing how gorgeous she is. Check out the French girl with the red lipstick near the end. LOL!

This next little treat is the actual advertisement for Star Secrets Aishwarya Beige lipstick airing in Italy. In this clip, Aishwarya is speaking Italian. Voi Valete means "Because you're worth it" in Italian. Wow, this girl is so multi-lingual. And damn I want that lipstick!

My husband actually sent me an e-mail from work this morning that he was reading my blog and found Aishwarya Beige being sold on Ebay by someone in Italy. He said he could put in a bid if I really wanted it. Aww he's so nice. I told him thanks but I'll wait until it hits the U.S. When coupled with the international shipping cost, we could end up paying almost $20 for a $8 lipstick. No thanks, I know I may sound obsessed, but I do have patience. Besides, Aishwarya Beige isn't the only color I want, I want Eva Toffee too, and picking up a lipstick up in the store is half the fun. It's similar to hunting, there's a particular high you get when you finally catch your prey.


  1. but wow!!! what a fabulous hubby you have! good stuff. ....(struts off in a fit of jealousy)....

  2. hahaha...your husband is too nice.I can't picture my husband sending me an e-mail about makeup:)
    Yes, those eyelashes are fake.

  3. thanks ladies, I have him trained well ;)

  4. ok, now you have me obsessed with this flippin lipstick. I was at Target today with the monkey and forced him into the makeup aisle where I browsed the Loreal section, in the pathetic hopes that maybe, just maybe I might score a tube of this stupid thing.

    Of course, nothing. But being the shopper that I am, I wound up getting some lame a$$ substitute beige thing that of course wound up looking bad.

    Off to look at ebay because I am just that warped. And I would actually spend that much on a lipstick if it was good.

    And Aish is still annoying the carp out of me with her sickeningly beautiful self. God, could she look any more smug and self satisfied? If I looked like that, I think I'd be staring in a mirror all day.

  5. oh, one more thing.

    Some friends have been raving lately about mascara - Lancome's Hypnoses(sp?) It's not Aish's brand, but next time I'm at the makeup counter, I may have to check it out. My maybelline great lash is so tired already.

  6. I can officially say I am awaiting the arrival of these lipsticks more than the Brangelina baby.

  7. Aww! Your husband is so sweet! :)

  8. I can't wait for the lipsticks either.

    Oh and I tried that STUPID mascara and it was so CLUMPY. Fake lashes fo shu'!

    She's beautiful but are those her "real" lips? Oh and the commericals are lame, did you hear the sound effects? UGH.

  9. west coast mommy, Eva Toffee would look awesome on you!

  10. Vi, those are her real lips, I think she purses them that way because she likes to pretend she's Angelina Jolie.

  11. Anonymous12:33 PM

    OMG, yes, that mascara is the worst there is! They should really take it off the market. Tarantulas for eyelashes are NOT attractive at all!

  12. L'Oreal seriously needs to start compensating you for increased sales of this lipstick in the US. :-) I want one, too. And only because it's a hit on your blog!
