Wednesday, May 10, 2006

There's a pancake in my room

This is just totally random, but my son just came in to tell me there's a pancake in his room. I asked him what it was doing there, and he said it was sitting on his desk. I went to check it out and found a small Aunt Jemima mini pancake, which I had served for breakfast last Friday. Today is Wednesday. That means it's been petrifying there for five days and I had no clue. Well, at least he's helping me locate the messes now, I used to have to do it alone.


  1. Well, tell us the rest of the story.

    Did anyone eat it!

  2. I found out one of the twins had taken it in there to eat originally, and then got distracted by the picture books on my son's desk. It was right next to an open picture book. Five days later, the pancake was hard as a rock, petrified!

    I'm one of those moms that doesn't allow food outside the kitchen or family room. It's easier to keep a clean house that way. But the twins are getting sneaky. In addition to smuggling pancakes, I've already found M&M's under my bed and cookies in their room. Oh, and I found a granola bar stuffed between the living room couch today too. Normally I'd brush it off as child's play, but we had a brief incident with mice in our last house, they used to feed on the cookies and bowl of nuts left on our counters (they ate through the packages!) so we don't leave stuff out anymore, not even bananas in a fruit bowl. Not that we've had any rodent incident in our new house, but still the last one freaked us out so much we are extra cautious about kitchen cleanliness now.

  3. LOL!

    I can't stand mice. We were luckier this year than last - but oy. They're so tiny yet scare and grose the bejesus out of me.

  4. LOL, oh that's happened plenty of times.

    At least it wasn't meat or something like that. Ewww...

  5. I found a taco in my car :)

  6. ROFL - That is too funny!

    (Found you through Sobia)
