Friday, May 05, 2006

Mary Kate Channels Morticia Addams

Oh Mary Kate, you goth girl you! What are you doing to me? First you sport the "I get my clothes from a garbage can" bag lady look, and now this? Here's a tip, dressing up like Morticia Addams for a formal event still makes you look like a fashion "don't". You'd look much better if you wore some of the clothes from your clothing line at Walmart.


  1. To tell you the truth, I think I actually kind of like this dress - minus the bulky silver cuffs and frou frou bag. I also don't like her sloppy hair, but do like the red lipstick.

    The way I see it, it's an improvement over her usual homeless, bag lady, trowling the streets of the city look. And the only people who can really pull off these body skimming silky bias cut clingy dresses are the anorexic ones anyway, so I think it works for her.

    She's not as Morticia looking as Angelina Jolie's getup that one year at the Oscars. Shudder.

  2. I've always liked Morticia.
    As a little kid I used to wonder why she was considered scary. I thought she was pretty.

    What's with the sad clown make-up?
    Reminds me of the style worn by Junior High School girls in the mid 80's. Seems it's back in now. See lot's of young 12-15yr girls running around like this now.

  3. How could you say that about Morticias style! Okay the silver cuffs and the fur bag are a little :( go moticia!!!
