Saturday, April 01, 2006

Mariah is a Size 4????

According to an article I recently read, Mariah Carey has been working out and and is down to a size 4. In fact, she was a size 4 during that infamous video shoot for Say Somethin'. She looked so "hot" during that shoot that Marc Jacobs, creative director for Louis Vuitton, wants Mariah to model for the company. Marc Jacobs provided the wardrobe for the video shoot as well, and ran into trouble overestimating Mariah's clothing size.

"Her new figure created a wardrobe headache at the video shoot. A source
said: 'Marc Jacobs brought clothes in a US size 6, but they were all too big, so
stylists had to find garments in a size 4.'" Source

I don't believe it. Look at her in this photo, does she look like a size 4 to you? I know the camera adds 10 pounds, but still. I think she looks more like an 8.


  1. My two cents, these celebs get sizes custom made for what makes them happy. Seen Oprah??? She is a self declared size 8. Ok. I am a size 8 and aint no way home chicken is shopping at the same stores I am and fitting into an 8...... I think the same goes for Mariah...

  2. She's a size 4 after an intensive photoshop makeover.

  3. those designers don't know what size is what. I have to try on 3 different sizes by each brand to find my size and no two are the same.

    About LLL & LC's, here's a website for

    Congrats on the twins!

  4. I think they forgot to add the number 1, so it should be size 14 and not 4.

  5. Is that your favorite purse?

  6. Aisha- I like that word "home chicken". Another addition to my urban vocabulary.

    Chris- I think she's a size 4 in her head

    Renee- thanks for the link. I've had that experience also. I'm a 12 at the Gap, but a 16 at Diesel. Gap makes me feel better about myself, so I go Gap.

    L-You know me too well :) It's the Isabella Fiore I'm lusting after.

  7. Does it matter? I mean 4,6,8..she still has those tell-all thunder thighs anyway!

  8. Whoever said she is a 4 got PAID to say she is a 4.
