Saturday, April 22, 2006

Have Time Machine, Will Travel

Sometimes I wish I had a time machine. I would use it to travel back to the year 1998, right when the dot com stock craze was getting into full swing, tell my younger and immature self exactly what stocks to buy and at what time to sell them, and then come back to the present day finding myself fabulously wealthy. I could buy all the Jimmy Choos I want and still have enough left over to fund my kids and grandkids retirements. I don't know how travelling back in time to give myself stock tips would alter my present reality, but it would be cool to just once not miss the boat with the next big stock.


  1. Feel your pain. I got a teeny weeny bit of the dot-com action before it all collapsed. It would be so cool not to have to work and just travel the world buying fabulous clothes and eating fabulous food!

  2. I know Ameet, I had so many missed chances with Qualcom and Yahoo, by the time I got into the action and got my own Ameritrade account, the market crashed. It's always like that with me, I miss the boat everytime. I had professional do it for me for a while, but I was the one giving him stock tips, so I fired him. I manage my own money now, investing most of it in oil stocks like Frontier Oil (FTO) and Valero. Oil is the next dot com!

  3. Buy Canadian oil stocks ... or anything trading in Canadian dollars. The loonie has gone up 10% in the past year - and rising. We have oil! Loads of it!!!

  4. although I don't know what the next big stock will be, I can recommend our stock site for advice. we'd also like your input :)
