Friday, March 24, 2006

The Train Wreck that is Pete Doherty

Yawn. The gossip mills are slow these days, the only newsworthy item I found to blog about is that Pete Doherty completely freaked out and kicked a reporter after he pleaded guilty to possessing at least seven kinds of drugs, including but not limited to, crack cocaine, marijuana, and heroine. Take a good look at this guys face. Does it look like that's all the drugs he's been doing? He's so toxic you need to wear a HAZMAT suit near him. I can't believe Kate Moss used to do this junkie. Read the full article here.


  1. Don't forget, she plans on still "doing" him. Rumor has it she plans on taking him back...

    Oh and that guy LOOKS like he likes his heroine and crack.

  2. yuk and fuckwittage abound.

  3. Anonymous2:54 PM

    This guy looks like a corpse, scary.
