Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Of Threading and Guidos

When it comes to eyebrow shaping, my preferred method of choice is threading. It's an ancient method of hair removal that uses a twisted cotton thread to remove rows of several hairs at once. Faster than tweezing and less irritating than waxing, it is also usually the cheapest way to get your eyebrows done. I only pay $5 at my local Indian beauty parlor. The Indians seem to have the market cornered on this beauty treatment, and you can find a parlor that does threading near you by clicking HERE.

Eyebrow shaping is usually a female beauty ritual, but it seems many men are getting into the act as well. Some men want to get rid of a unibrow, others just want to trim the bushiness to avoid looking like Michael Dukakis, and some....well some just want their brows cleaned up into perfect arches like women! I read the most hilarious post today from a link posted on It is on a blog written by a nightclub bouncer in NYC. He's got the craziest stories to tell. Click here to read about his encounter with a guido with amazing threaded eyebrows. It's hilarious!


  1. I've never heard of threading. Does it look good? Cause I'm all over it, if it does.

  2. Vi, Threading is far better than anything waxing can do for your brows. I've never been happy with wax jobs on my brows, they either take off too much or too little and then they end up tweezing to get the rest. aagh! With threading, I'm done in 5-10 minutes, and look clean for at least 3 weeks. I know in Artesia CA they have tons of places, also there's a place called Rubina's in Harbor City, CA. My friend got her bridal makeup and threading done there and she looked amazing. You could google Rubina's to get the exact address if it sounds like it may be close to you.

  3. Hey,
    I'm new to this. I like your blog first!. The it good only if you thick eyebrows, because I surely don't?

  4. Lisa, thick, thin it doesn't matter.

  5. I was just lurking around & I can't believe that I'm commenting on threading but....

    Years ago while getting a hair cut by an old Indian woman I noticed a little sign on her mirror "Bikini Threading $25". Being a guy I just had to ask. "I show you", as she pulled out my hairy arm out. She took some tread from her pocket and made a little triangle shape with it in her fingers. Before I knew what was going on she plucked half a dozen hairs off my arm. She just took aim and in a flash, hair gone.
    It's funny because I'm soooo glad she did not ask me to undo my pants.

  6. chris, you've got to post that story on your blog, it's hilarious! I'm cool with eyebrow threading, but threading down there???? I'll stick with wax, I don't want some Indian ladys face two inches from my privates.

  7. I only seem to remember these things when someone elses blog reminds me of a funny story. Post it? Is it really blog worthy? well maybe this weekend. Thanks!
