Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Judge to Paris: "Stay Away from that Man!"

At first when I saw this story I couldn't believe it was for real. A restraining order? Against Paris Hilton? What is he afraid she' s gonna do to him, give him chlamydia, crabs, and other VD's? Well, now that I'm thinking about it, maybe he does have a reason to be scared of her. Read the full story at CNN by clicking HERE.


  1. Too funny! Next will be her parents and Nicky. LOL

  2. All these celeb scandals never cease to astound me. I only wish that at their position and the familiarity that people have of them, they would show more sensibility.

  3. LOL funny. I just don't get the continuing obsession with Paris that our media demonstrates. She is rich with nary a care in the world.
    Nice blog by the way. :)
