Friday, March 10, 2006

Is Fergie the next Mother Goose?

If you've ever thought you were totally messing this mom thing up, believe me you are not. I, on the other hand, am. I may drive a minivan, but inside I've got Black Eyed Peas pumping so loudly the speakers are about to burst. I can't stand the Wiggles playing in my CD player for more than two songs and can't stand Barney songs. I let my children hear what I want to hear, anything from rap, rock, bhangra, to desi pop. Today, we were sitting at home getting bored and I said to my son, "Let's sing a song, how about Twinkle Twinkle Little Star?" and he's like, "No, I want to sing My Humps and My Bumps." I tried to downplay the comment and said, "No, how about a nursery rhyme like Row Row Your Boat or Mary Had A Little Lamb?" but my son was adamant about My Humps and My Bumps. He said it was his favorite song and it is also the favorite song of his two BFF's (who are also 4 years old). So I just gave up and rolled my eyes in exasperation while he started singing "Whatcha gonna do with all that junk, all that junk inside that trunk!" I totally get an F in parenting today. I guess I'm going to have to find that Wiggles CD because that's all were going to listen to from now on.


  1. Hah!
    UI can imagine what a frustating and helpless feeling it must be!
    Sometimes I am shocked to see how kids today behave!
    They seem to know EVERYTHING and they almost have no childhood anymore---they grow up faster than u imagine!
    well...its not like few yrs back when u had to explain to the kids where babies came from!
    So well..ALl the best and am sure ur doing a grt job as a mom!

  2. Very funny. I like Fergie too. I would probably do a double take if my son was voicing a preference for humps and bumps though. At this point, I sing nonstop to the him because it distracts him, calms him, and allows me to feed him. I make up words to the kiddie songs, as well as the pop songs I know, commercial jingles, sitcom theme songs, whatever. His music library is very limited, and I tend to favor the lullabye stuff, which I put on then leave him in the crib to sleep.

    The wiggles are scary, but the Doodle Bops are beyond insane.

  3. Opinionated, you have an H2? That is my dream car. I so love Hummers.

    My kids are small, son is almost 4 and girls are almost 2. I'm done too. I can't beleive you're so young!

  4. Lol, I can see myself doing the same thing when I have kids. Currently my niece is walking around everywhere singing "Drop it like it's hot" because of me.

    Great blog, by the way.

  5. yeah Chic mommy I had to stop the "my humps" song too because my daughter is 6 and she's a little young and FAR to old to go around singing, "Whatcha gonna do with all that ass, all that ass inside them jeans.." LOL

    I HATE the Wiggles, I'd try Jazz, reggae, one of those "hip" stations that play edited stuff.

    Oh and for me it took me awhile to get that my kids pick up on things quickly. ~sigh~ NOW I have to watch every thing I say or do.

  6. awww, that's dorable, a 4 year old talking about a "trunk"
    It's cute, cause he doesn't know what he is saying :)

  7. I am scared to have kids:)

  8. my girls are almost 4 and despite my potty mouth the worst they use is the occasional 'bugger' and 'crap', so far so good....!
    i know it doesn't sound too nice but there are so many worse things we could do to our kids- like not teaching them to have the confidence to react to stuff. give me funny kids with the brain power to absorb information and the balls to share it, than unresponsive scaredycats too scared to open their mouths. or as i see all around me kids who just yell. creative language is cool. and whenever i'm embarrased i just laugh and blame it on someone else! bad mum or funny mummy? and though i have no idea luckily who the wiggles are i'm sure they are not a good idea. real music and real art are much better than overcoloured over jingly dinosaurs....

  9. keda, you go girl! I like the way you think. I'll be stopping by your site!

  10. wow! I remember someone once saying that she sang the song "dont you wish your girlfriend was hot like me" and her three year old started singing that in front of company. Blush moment! That lump song is hideous though in my opinion.
