Monday, February 13, 2006

Clearance Sale at Esprit!

I'm taking a break today from posting about unattainable luxuries to actually posting about stuff I can afford. Why feel bad about not being able to buy overpriced Manolos when you can go shopping at Esprit! They are having the best sale right now on stuff we actually will wear during this season (sweaters for East Coast chicks and cute light tops for the West Coasters). They have free shipping in U.S. for any order over $30, yes that's not a typo, spend thirty dollars on clothes and the shipping is free! I can do that in 10 seconds.

I wear this look almost on a daily basis (that is, IF I decide to finally get out of my pj's). I love the lace camisole (which only cost me $7 at the actual store!) peeking underneath a v-neck sweater. This look is from Esprit.

This I want to buy. This wrap sweater is only $20, and is lightweight enough to layer so I can wear it year round.

Now I've got to go find my purse so I can go shopping online. I love the internet.


  1. I am SO excited! thanks Chic Mommy I love the first picture and I can NOT believe free shipping..

    Off I go, oh and if my husband post something angry just ignore him. :0)


  2. Ok, why am I such a nerd? I always end up with t-shirt and jeans no matter how hard I try (unless I'm going to see Vi - then I add a belt or she gets angry - LOL). I am so trying this layered look.

    I'm off to Esprit. Do you think they'll take a check? :]

  3. Lena, I'm a total t-shirt and jeans hoarder too (sweatpants too) then I realized I could take two colored tees (or a white plus a colored one) and layer them on top of each other and instantly look like a Gap commercial. Plus, this is a great look for MOMS because if the baby spits up or rubs gunk on you, take it off and the shirt underneath is clean. I know it sounds like I'm a female Joey (from Friends) but life happens and I just dress for the unexpected.
